Knives From Japan Ltd T/A Rockingham Forge Knives complies with the Offensive Weapons Weapons Act 2019 and we strongly support the government’s efforts to restrict sales of knives to anyone under the age of 18.
When you place an order for any of our kitchen knives you are required to confirm with us that you are over the age of 18.
Our site uses age verification technology in the checkout process and uses the information you provide, including your date of birth to confirm your identity and that you are over 18. For this reason it is important to provide accurate information. Data is sent to several third parties that use various data sources to provide us with a pass or fail result on each order. The age verification technology we use conforms to PAS1296 (Online Age Verification with British Standards) and we do not have any access to the data they store.
On occasions where the purchaser fails the above, we will contact them by phone or email and ask them to provide a photocopy or photo of their ID (either a passport or driving license).
If the purchaser cannot provide these details, the order will be cancelled and refunded.
If we have reasonable evidence to suspect that the recipient is under the age of 18 or where we have reasonable evidence to suspect that our products will be passed onto someone under the age of 18 an order will be refused.
All our carriers require Age Verification on Delivery. On delivery, the purchaser will again be required to show the delivery person suitable ID again to confirm that they are over 18. If repeated delivery attempts fail, the item will be returned to us.